Swarnprastha Public School has taken a revolutionary step by setting up India’s first of its own kind incubation lab D.I.C.E with a vision to promote entrepreneurship through innovation at an early age to facilitate them to invent their own career and to create more entrepreneurs for India. D.I.C.E not only will encourage students's to study entrepreneurship, wherein, they would be forced to think out of the box but also offer a platform to develop their products/ideas/services towards their mass uses. This would inspire them to become creative, innovative and also to celebrate the spirit of invention Subsequently, after short listing the best ideas, D.I.C.E will invite, VCs, FIs, Angel investors to encourage the students's to help them to not only create the road map but also with seed capital to realize their dreams.
Swarnprastha Public School has taken a revolutionary step by setting up India’s first of its own kind incubation lab D.I.C.E
Excellence and Quality in Education have been selected as the hallmarks for Swarnprastha

In our quest to prepare global leaders and citizens for tomorrow by shaping the personality of the learners by moving them out from their comfort zones, SPS has signed up MOU with the international award for young people wherein participant students will get The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award. This award offers three levels (Bronze, Silver, and Gold). There are four mandatory sections for Bronze, Silver and Gold levels of the award. Each section has a specific purpose and objectives to be met as per the programs structure:
Swarnprastha Public School has taken a revolutionary step by setting up India’s first of its own kind incubation lab D.I.C.E