Welcome To 'SWARNPRASTHA' School
"Animals are mute creatures who need our love and concern in this ever advancing digital world.”
World Animal Day refers to a day dedicated to the animal kingdom. It is celebrated annually on 4 October to spread awareness on animal issue and inspire people to protect animals around them.
We all know that animals are an important part of our ecosystem. In order to instill love and care for other living beings, we celebrated World Animal Day by organizing different activities in classes Nursery to 5 like Animal Mask Making, Poem Recitation, Facts About Animals and JAM on Endangered Species. The activities indeed created a curiosity among children to find out more about the importance of animals in our lives. Children enhanced their knowledge by watching videos of extinct and endangered animals. Through this celebration, we tried to develop among children a sense of responsibility and compassion towards animals. This could not be possible without the support and guidance of our Principal Mr. Rohit Panda and the Headmistress Ms. Megha Kaushik. They visited the classes and motivated all the participants.