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Welcome to 'SWARNPRASTHA' School


  • 6 April 2024

On April 6th, 2024, students from Class 10 and Class 12 of Swarnprastha Public School went on a historical trip to Rakhigarhi. During the trip, they visited the Rakhigarhi mound and were guided by knowledgeable experts who shared a wealth of information about the Indus Valley Civilization. The students had a fulfilling day of exploration and left with a deeper understanding of ancient history and cultural heritage.

After the visit, the students retreated to a resort where they enjoyed a lively atmosphere filled with music and dance. They danced to the beats of the DJ, celebrated their newfound knowledge and camaraderie, and enjoyed a scrumptious lunch.

As a token of remembrance, each student received a small mud toy from the resort. These souvenirs served as cherished mementos, reminding them of the invaluable lessons learned and the memories created during their visit to Rakhigarhi.