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Welcome to 'SWARNPRASTHA' School

Inter House Table Tennis Competition

  • 9 August 2024

The Inter House Table Tennis Competition at Swarnprastha Public School was a thrilling event, showcasing the talent and sportsmanship of our students. The competition was intense, with each House giving their best to claim the top position

Final Rankings:

Vishwaas House -1st

Prayaas House - 2nd

Sankalp House - 3rd


Final Match: Vishwaas House vs. Prayaas House

The final match was a display of excellent skills and determination. Both Vishwaas and Prayaas Houses played with great enthusiasm and precision. However, Vishwaas House managed to secure the win, emerging as the champions of the competition.

3rd Position Match: Sankalp House vs. Lakshay House

The match for the third position between Sankalp House and Lakshay House was equally exciting. Sankalp House put up a strong fight and claimed the third place.

The event was well organized, and all participants demonstrated commendable sportsmanship. Congratulations to all the Houses for their efforts and to Vishwaas House for their victory!