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Inter House English Debate Competition Report

  • 1 August 2024


Debate’s arena is the luminous hall where ideas clash, thoughts collide and voices rise to pierce the dark, allowing the flower of wisdom to bloom and blossom!

The auditorium of Swarnprastha Public School transformed into a vibrant arena for Round 1 of the Inter House Debate Competition on 30 July. Students from classes 9 to 12 showcased their skills, wielding razor sharp wit and extensive data as they sought to impress the esteemed jury, the fellow contestants and the audience. The poised speakers with their fluent rhetoric made a lasting impression. In the clash between Lakshay and Vishwaas House, Vishwaas emerged victorious, while Sankalp House outperformed Prayaas House. Round 2 promises an exciting showdown between Vishwaas and Sankalp House next week.