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Values and Skills Learnt in CBSE Boarding School of Sonipat A Day in the Life of Boarders

A key shift in today's dynamics in the landscape of Indian education is the inclination towards sending children to boarding schools. This trend has been on the rise over the past couple of decades. Boarding schools provide a more holistic education, that go a long way beyond just academics. Studying in a multi-cultural setup, with children across multiple regions of India as well as outside India, students pick up essential 21st century skills e.g. leadership traits, discipline, collaboration, adaptability, improved communication and more. And these, parents realise, go a long way in shaping individuals suited to battle challenges in today's dynamic world.

CBSE school in Sonipat

Vision of Boarding Schools

It has long been established that while academic scores continue to be important, schools must shape complete individuals, And there is no better platform than boarding schools to achieve this objective. Key qualities like entrepreneurial thinking, democracy in decision-making, neutrality and a global outlook are imbibed in boarding schools from a young age. These, coupled with leadership, team-spirit, collaboration and adaptability, go a long way in shaping students to face the dynamics of the shifting landscape of careers in today's world.

Service to Community

Besides honing their skills in a variety of relevant skills, CBSE Boarding Schools in Sonipat involve their students in serving their immediate community. The schools imbibe an ethos from an early age of a deep desire to serve the underprivileged and those who are less fortunate. Through various activities and structured schedules of community work, through tie-ups with local bodies, students are given the opportunity to work in areas where they can contribute positively in the lives of those around them.

Physical, Mental and Emotional Wellbeing

How children think, feel, behave in out-of-normal and stressful circumstances are what top schools mentor them in from an early age. Boarders have a routine where sports and playtime constitute an important part. Through various on-field games and fitness schedules, their physical wellbeing is taken care of. Top boarding schools ensure that children's mental and emotional health is well catered to. Through well-crafted counselling services, mental health awareness programmes, peer support group initiatives and in some cases, parental interventions, children learn to cope with stress, anxiety and all such situations in life where they tend to lose focus and panic.

Discipline and Resilience

Boarding schools focus on structured routines from day break to sleep time. This not only teaches students the merits of time committments, but also makes them responsible and efficient time managers through self-discipline. Resilience is imbibed through boarding life by allowing children to face their failures and learn from mistakes made. The ability to bounce back, adapt to change and continue in the face of adversity are what make CBSE boarding school students develop. These traits come in great use during their student life right into their professional and personal lives.

Character Building

By spending time outside of parent's influence and constant support, CBSE boarding school children learn to grow into self-reliant and resilient people, who are well equipped in handling their own crisis to an extent. Top schools in Sonipat emphasise on building basic values of honesty, integrity, respect and empathy through daily interactions with peers.

A day in the life of boarders

Waking up alongside friends, getting ready for school time, having all meals together and of course studying and playing together sounds a lot of fun indeed. However, each activity is done under strict supervision. A typical day filled with activities looks like this:

Wake-up call is followed by arranging one's room, having breakfast, getting ready for school and gathering for the morning assembly.

Regular school time includes apart from close supervision in all academic pursuits, time for play and fun. Lunch breaks are a time to recharge. Senior boarders might have duties in turn to decide on menus with a staff member.

Post school hours is reserved for pursuing extra-curricular activities and hobbies. A clear advantage of boarding schools lie in the fact that each activity is under a trained person, who imparts skills even in the smallest of activities carried out by students.

Back to their dorm, it's study time. Options for individual and group studies exist. Each group is supervised by a teacher. Productive group discussions, clearing of doubts and prepping for the next day's classes and exams happen at these hours.

Dinner at boarding houses is a time for complete relaxation and mingling with all, elder and younger. Senior students might opt for extra study time post dinner. This is followed by time to retire for the day.


Boarding life fosters robust friendships for life, a strong sense of independence, and a sense of responsibility and self-reliance. Each day spent with fellow boarders and teachers teaches boarders empathy. Solving other's problems, supporting other children during a crisis imbibes a sense of deep belongingness. Later in life, as they mature and grow in their lives, this bond stays strong and the values instilled become a lifelong force to reckon with. Swarnprastha Public School, a leading CBSE school in Sonipat, provides holistic education, lays the groundwork for mentoring in wholesome development and grooms students in essential skills to face challenges of the future.


1. What are the obvious benefits of sending children to boarding schools?

In today’s world, good academic scores are no longer enough. One needs to develop essential skills in life like leadership, discipline, self-reliance, team spirit, empathy and more to survive and succeed. All such skills are more and developed in a boarding school environment where children stay, study, play and spend time with other children from different regions and with varied cultural backgrounds. This helps them a lot in adapting to today’s dynamic life.